Drone, possibly Ryan Model 147 Firebee

Drone down in Huachuca Mountains
Copyright © Chris McDoniel
Drones have consistantly flown in and around southern Arizona for decades. There are target drones as well as reconnisance drone. Drones are also launched, and even recovered, in a variety of ways. Some drones are fried from a ground launch system. Others are launched form aircraft. Some drones were recovered inflight by a helicopter. So what's the history of this drone? Not sure. I was unable to locating a serial number for the drone. Besides, even if I did, the military didn't track drone serial numbers like aircraft serial numbers.
Thanks to Rod R for guiding me in to the site.
Davis-Monthan C-130 with drone under wing.
Small amount of black and orange paint.
Copyright © 2002-2024 Chris McDoniel
All Rights Reserved

Panel of some kind.
Data plate saying, "Actuator Rotary Servo."
Remains of the engine
Panel of some kind with a partially burned handle. There's also a stamp "Ryan 237."